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How To Lower Your Carbon Footprint When Traveling

The travel & tourism industry is known for generating a pretty substantial carbon footprint. A lot has been said about this, with calls for people to do whatever they can to lower their carbon footprint when traveling. Obviously, transportation is the main issue here; flying in an airplane is never going to be good for the environment as so much fuel is used. Consider how many flights happen every day around the world, and you can see why there’s a big problem. 

Don’t worry, you don’t have to do a Greta Thunberg and take a boat to your next travel destination. You can find ways of reducing your carbon footprint if you change how you approach your way of traveling. Here are some ideas to try:

Pack as light as possible

Packing heavy bags full of luggage is one of the reasons why we’re in this mess. They add weight to planes, meaning more fuel is required to move them, hence more carbon emissions. If every traveler just learned how to pack lightly, we wouldn’t have as big of an issue. It would mean lighter planes, less fuel, and fewer emissions released into the air. From a personal perspective, you can feel better knowing that, if you pack light, you will be lowering your personal carbon footprint. 

Try to avoid flying if possible

No, this doesn’t mean you need to take a boat – nobody is going to be forced onto a boat here, don’t worry! Instead, consider if there are other ways of getting where you need to be. For example, the passenger transportation industry is so vast, there are lots of different ways of getting around. Could you catch a train or a coach instead? In many countries, train journeys can replace flights, they’re just less convenient. A four-hour train journey sounds horrible compared to a one-hour flight, but the energy usage is far in favor of the train. So, think about inconveniencing yourself if you can, just to lower your carbon footprint. 

Find eco-friendly travel options while at your destination

Traveling to a location is one thing, but what about traveling around while you’re there? Seek out more eco-friendly travel options – like walking, renting a bicycle, or getting electric buses. There are plenty of options available that mean you don’t need to be responsible for more fossil fuel burning and carbon emissions being released. 

Use the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign in hotels

We often think about carbon emissions and traveling eco-friendly in terms of, well, as mentioned above, transportation. However, you can reduce your carbon footprint with one simple hack; using the do not disturb sign in hotels. This stops cleaners from vacuuming your room, washing towels, and so on. Believe it or not, but if more people did this, hotels would consume far less energy. Do your bit to help the planet and go a few days before getting your towels cleaned! 

See, there are lots of little ways you can change your habits to become a greener traveler. With the advice above, you can lower your carbon footprint and feel more at ease when you travel. 

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