Americans don’t grow up knowing about Cricket (2nd most popular sport in the world), so when I befriended Chris Gayle through social media about a year ago, I had no idea of his fanbase within the sport. All I knew was that we shared a common interest in cigars, having fun, and appreciated barbers (he enjoys World Barber Shop Adventures *now available on Amazon).
Fast forward to his epic party celebrating his 40th birthday in Kingston, Jamaica, where I had the unique opportunity to stay in his home with his family for 5 nights. Not only did I get the chance to realize how super-famous he is around the world (there were people from every part attending his party), I got to see how extremely kind and giving he is. The Universe Boss (his nickname) is truly that. He has zero judgment of those he encounters, is considerate of his massive fanbase that is always asking for a photo, and is extremely humble for his global status.
With our travels, I often talk about how amazing poor people are around the world that live on minimal incomes. The fact that they are happy even though they don’t have much. It was uplifting to see the other side of that spectrum. Someone that has it all and is comfortable with himself and makes those around him happy. Chris has abundance through his hard work, but he embraces it and shares it, always with his huge smile.
Travel opens many doors. The Jamaican people were warm, welcoming, and a ton of fun. Not only did I have time sharing great conversations with Chris’ partner, brothers, and sister, but his circle of friends that traveled in from around the world were all amazing people. The chance to meet such upbeat, positive thinking, motivated people was an added bonus of the trip.
Always stay open to random encounters. Engage with people you don’t know. You never know where it might lead.
Main Topics Covered:
Partying at Chris Gayle’s 40th Birthday Celebration
Links Mentioned in the Episode:
Check out all of the details at POLICE: Brotherhood in Uniform Around the World
Check out Chris Gayle’s House tour
Video from the birthday celebration for Chris Gayle’s 40th birthday
Check out Chris’ restaurant and nightclub the Triple Century Sports Bar
We went to Fiction Nightclub on Saturday night.
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