“When we walk in gratitude for each and every moment, we empower ourselves by empowering our spirits. When we breathe in nature through our eyes, ears and lips, we become certain that our souls are eternal. We are better able to manage our lives, our troubles, our worries and our days, we embrace our highest potential, our pure grace.” @lovephilosophy
Lately I have been trying to look at my surroundings different. I am trying to pay attention to every detail. On my drive home from work I am paying attention to the people, houses, and business I see along the way from downtown Indianapolis to Broad Ripple instead of tuning out the outside world and jamming out to tunes in my car. At the grocery store I am paying attention to how the different aisles are set up and how they may change from week to week instead of rushing in and out of the store in a mad dash to get the items on my list to then rush home and put the items away in the same fast fashion. When I go on walks with my dog I pay attention to how the trees look at this particular time, reminding myself that it is now the tail end of summer, soon to be fall, and the leaves will soon be gone, snow will come and we will be scraping ice off of our windshields in snowboots.
Once I realized now is my time to go on my adventure and travel the world, a funny thing happened to me. I began to realize that my time here in Indianapolis was limited. I realized that I needed to slow down and appreciate the little things and the space in between. I needed to stop trying to check things off my to-do list in the fastest time possible. My new way of thinking was to be patient, appreciate the little things, and be grateful for everything that Indianapolis has given me over the past 13 years.
I found this quote while taking my time to appreciate the little things. The quote itself, ironically enough has been in my life for at least 10 years without me ever knowing it. My favorite beauty products are made by a company called philosophy. I use their Purity face wash, anti-aging serums, various face peels, face and eye moisturizers, perfumes, body washes, and body moisturizers. I was going through my philosophy products trying to figure out how and which products I could take with me on my travels based on package size, arguing with myself about which product(s) I could live without, when I read the quote on my pure grace body lotion.
These past couple of months my spirit has become empowered from simply taking the time appreciate the small things and give thanks for everything this great city I call home has given to me and for all of the amazing friends I have met along the way. Now is my time to travel, to learn, to meet new people. Now is the time to let go of fear and worries and to be free so that I can reach my highest potential, my pure grace.
Sooo amazing, can’t wait to read about your travels ???? Soak it all in girl as I know u will, cheers guys!
Thanks Sarah! We are very excited. Cheers <3