Is this the best time ever to book your travel? Based on my experience, I will tell you why now is the time to make the most of these amazing deals and prices. Also, why and how you should negotiate your pricing for your accommodations. I will share some amazing people that are still traveling the world full-time. Plus, the 2021 book recommendations from several high achieving bookworms.
Main Topic Covered:
Why Now is the Time to Discover the Best Deals on Travel Ever
Links Mentioned in the Episode:
Book List for 2021
The complete list of solutions and partners from Passport Joy.
COINBASE link to get $10 free in bitcoin.
BLOCK FI is a strong company that allows you to make interest on your bitcoin, then take out an interest-only loan without touching your crypto while you travel.
Isa and David –
Jen and Shane –
World Barber Shop Adventures is on Amazon Prime
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